Wednesday, March 25, 2015

American's No Longer Deserve The "Right To Bear Arms"

There has been much adieu over the years about the constitutional right to have and own your own gun. I believe that the necessity of this right has been extinguished. I believe that the very accessibility to weapons is promoting the unsightly high rate of violence in this country. Most people lack common sense, they need leaders to help and guide them. They should never have access to weapons with their feeble little minds. Everyday there is gun death in America.. Everyday someone dies as a result. Our government knows it, but does nothing to deal with it. I'm not so disillusioned with my 'right' as I am with the detrimental affect it is having on the American public. The mental instability of a vast majority of American people, add in some intoxication (as many shootings take place at night clubs or late at night when people are likely to be intoxicated) plus the accessibility of guns is proving to be a deadly combination. I know that most people are so busy harping on their right to have and own one they cant see how dangerous it is making our society. I am vehemently against it.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Is America Really The Best Country In The World?

After recently traveling to London, United Kingdom, I had to seriously ask myself this question. We are marketed so heavily in this country to believe in the American dream, and all things American, but honestly I was put to shame when I went to London. Their roads are better maintained, their public transportation immaculate, media and programming much more quality, their food is raised naturally and their constituents are visibly happier. As a mature young woman, I was instantly surrounded by people that cared about their community and at least appeared to have a basic regard for their neighbor. I thought about the stark difference portrayed in my very own country, in which all of us do our 'own' thing without consideration of the next person. We carry on as if tomorrow will just bring with it prosperity and success, deliberately doing questionable things and hoping for a favorable outcome. Its nonsense... but a foolish mentality that is rampant. The type of mentality that will destroy the future of this country and create an difficult environment for our children and grandchildren. For those of us that do care, we are attacked and called 'outdated' for our more traditional view, although it is this very same traditional view that had previously propelled our country into prosperity. Undoubtedly for someone to truly assess which country is actually the best... all countries would have to be surveyed... but I must admit I was pleasantly surprised at the high quality of life in England.. although the Americans are scrambling for scraps over here, and under the impression the rest of the world is doing the same...... smh.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You can't judge me........

I am so sick of people saying this, when in all honesty we know that we can and will judge others based on whatever criterion we choose to… may it be looks, religion or personal belief.. we all use whatever we want to judge and evaluate people and situations. I for one will not deny this truth. I am quick to sum up someone and choose whether  or not it is a worth cause for me to invest in. I do this simply because I have a lot to offer the next person, and it is extremely time consuming to pour my affections and concern into a broken vessel. It works out for the receiver, but the delegator is left empty and without resources because they wasted it on someone not worthy… now these are some of the reasons I judge, but there are other viable reasons… You can judge to avoid trouble, heartache, danger, financial turmoil, and displeasing God. I believe that the reason our culture is broken the way it is, is due to our unwillingness and inability to judge what is going on around us. Our culture wants all the pleasures without any pain.. however in life everything is cause an effect.. so in order to progress you will often have to make hard choices and sacrifices to move forward. The new generations simply shy from pain, not realizing in many cases it is shaping them and preparing them for the future… Now the true Christian judges because they have a charge to do so. They are held accountable for all those they come in contact with to uphold God’s standard of truth. Whether or not a person wants to receive instruction… it is the responsibility of the true Christian to enlighten them. Once they have done this, they have done their share and the burden has been transferred. I want to clarify what I mean by true Christian as well.. I’m talking about people that believe God, believe his word about how we should live, and are not afraid to represent through lifestyle and ministry their beliefs.. All these studio preachers and homosexual loving mega churches are not included.. because you see the challenging thing about being in a position to judge is that you must first have your life in order so that you have validity to stand upon. If you instruct someone to do something.. they will immediately look at your example.. if your example is not up to par.. they will discredit you. Many so called Christians have messed up their example by living their lives in such a way that they are in no position to instruct others….. but the world takes this and spins in… let me clear that the Bible does not say you CAN’T judge… it states that you must first get yourself in the proper position to judge…. And THEN judge.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I don't know what the latest phenom with all this 'bullying' is but I truly believe it has gotten way out of control. I read articles on it and even see commercials geared towards bullying. What I want to share is that it is completely natural to encounter bullies both when you are a child and once you become an adult. However it is most important that you learn to advocate on your own behalf in some way. I believe that we are currently enabling bullies and sensationalizing it. The truth of the matter is that being bullied is not so bad.... the best part of it is once you grow up and turn your situation around.. its when you used to be fat and now you are skinny.. you used to wear big glasses now you have contacts.... you used to be the one he didn't know existed now he is chasing you down the street... However our kids can never learn the circle of life if we blow this portion out of proportion. If you are encountering a violent bully.. I advise you to show him who is boss.... for instance, I will give you an example. Embarrassment always seems to work. When I was in High school I encountered an upperclassman named Tia that was especially mean.. she was boisterous and rude, but no one would step up to her.... so one day I had the great idea to compose a poem and post it up on all the vending machines in our school. Our classmates read it and word traveled around school.. She was embarrassed and tried to make a comeback in the same way, but poetry was not her forte as it is mine. After that.. I didn't have any more run ins with her... So my suggestion to kids going through bullying is find a creative way to deal with it, but don't shy away or internalize it. We have all been through it, and we survived, you can too.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The "N" word

In this world I think it is vitally important to get a grasp of socially acceptable behavior as well as the fact that we are all made to be unique…. Each of us may not be able to achieve what the other can…. I may not be able to win an Olympic medal.. or have the intellect of a Nobel peace prize winner. It is what it is. There are some things I can do that you can’t and things you do that I won’t. It is what it is. Such is the use of the word N(ga) or N(er), this boils down to connotation, use, and user. Now… I continually hear the argument from non blacks. “Well they use the word why can’t we?” A few things from my top: First of all…. It’s a black thing. It has been argued to be a term of endearment between black people (hence why it causes utter outrage if used by someone else), Secondly if you happen to live in the same world I live in… you understand the connotation of this word.. you understand that if you are not black and using it, it can and will be perceived as offensive. In reality, we as black people know you use it.. we know in the privacy in your homes and among your friends, we know you laugh and mock blacks because we do the same thing too, lol.. however the issue is that you do not have the etiquette or discretion to know that you are not wise to use it.. in anyway… around people of color, period. Let me kindly tell you, if you have not been aware yet in life, that our lives are comprised of wise or unwise choices….. So tell me, why, if you understand the nature of the word, and are not black, would you push the envelope and potentially cause havoc.. simply because you want the option to use it without others being offended? Racial slurs have been around since the beginning of time, and their initial intent was to be offensive.. Perhaps it would be wise to just avoid using it if you understand these truths. Now to address folks of color on this issue: If someone uses this word against you, either in attempt to think they are your friend or to be offensive, I would respond accordingly. If they are a friend and are aloof, simply warn them that it would be in their interest not to get comfortable using it. If they are trying to offend you, say it back to them, keep your cool and don’t lose your composure. People will use what they can to push your buttons…. Don’t be such an open book.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Feelings less work

Nothing worse than a culture full of words but no actions. I am enraged at how this current generation is filled with powerful emotion in which they spill into cyber space, but lack the true courage to do anything. We watch evil creep into our country, watch the discord in our families and sit by idly as the foolishness devours us all. We leave the responsibility to just a few people that we deem strong... and wait for the pressure to crush them. I am so sick of our reactive approach to the world we live in, and wish others could share in the burden that leaders experience. Feelings do nothing nor do they improve conditions... Actions have the ability to change the conditions and bring on progress.. As i am inundated with social media and the countless empty words that fills it... I only long for another to walk this path with me. Thankful to God that he will not abandon me, even as those the closet to me leave me to navigate life's path alone. For the other leaders that feel the pressures that I am talking about.. I wish you well.. I pray that God keep you strong and sane, as our presence in this dying world is utterly necessary. Bless.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The American Judicial System

There is nothing more disgusting than a system that righteously knows someone is guilty, but through the purchase of a top of the line legal team, can be found innocent, and will not be required to serve any time for their crimes. In the past there have been obviously guilty people tried.... that escaped "justice".  It also works in the inverse. Their have also been innocent persons, that trusted in the system, because they knew they were innocent, that were unjustly found guilty for crimes they didn't commit. I for one am continually dismayed at the messages that such a system portrays to the masses. It is no hidden secret that money can buy pretty much anything in America, right or wrong, but I astutely warn America.. I warn you from your foolish approach that no one can judge or draw the line between right and wrong.. I warn you, that judgement will fall on this country swiftly if you continue on this dangerous path. Something is due those that commit crimes, if you refuse to judge them, they have not escaped, but face an even more harsh punishment from our Lord, my God. Also in saying that, if you have unjustly judged someone... they are owed the utmost restitution for the ultimate betrayal by a broken and greedy system........